If You Think It, It Will Come - psycho management | psycho tips for daily

Sunday, July 08, 2007

If You Think It, It Will Come

Maybe you’ve heard the comment, “People don’t change.”
Well, in my business, people DO change. For the better.

I believe it is a 3-step Process:

1. Becoming aware of the need for change
2. Ready and willing to change
3. Taking action

That is all you need to transform your life. Your willingness to look at the inner working of your own mind, your ability and desire for change, and your commitment to a process and a practice, are the required elements for achieving your goals.

The movie, The Secret has gained a lot of attention and popularity. ”The Secret” that they’re referring to is the law of attraction. Thought is creative. Every thought you think and every feeling you feel is either bringing you closer to the things you want, or keeping them away. On a deeper level, not just your conscious thoughts, but your subconscious beliefs about yourself and what you deserve, is what creates your life situation. That’s where hypnotherapy comes in. Both your conscious and subconscious mind needs to be in agreement for you to see your dreams and desires manifesting in your life.

Hypnotherapy can assist in revealing ideas and beliefs you may not be aware of on a conscious level. If your subconscious belief system does not allow for abundance, love, prosperity or good health, it will block you from attaining your life goals. Most people would say that they want to be healthy, wealthy and wise, loved and understood. But how many of us truly are? Long-held subconscious beliefs are powerfully influencing. And they were established when you were a child, with the mind of a child. With the help of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, old thought patterns can be uncovered, explored and transformed into new, healthy positive beliefs that support you in achieving your goals and dreams.

There are two levels of mind: conscious and subconscious, and they have two separate functions. Your conscious mind is analytical, logical, and rational. It’s your ability to choose, and your will power. It is your thinking, reasoning mind. Your subconscious is your operating system. It’s the belief system you run on, and the seat of your emotions. It is your image and idea of who you are. Everything you’ve ever seen, heard and experienced is stored within your subconscious. Your deeper mind runs your body and maintains your habits. Whatever ideas you accept as truth, and impress upon it, will be accepted into your memory bank and acted upon. For example, if your programming is you’re not very bright, untalented and not good enough, it is highly unlikely that you will go after that dream job, big money, take risks or follow opportunities.

How do we get hypnotized? Hypnotic programming is al around us. The constant repetition of commercials and slogans encourage us to buy a product or service. Authority figures such as doctors, business leaders, or someone we know whom we admire and respect, can be very influential in convincing us what to do and be. In highly emotionalized states, we are open to receiving and creating beliefs about ourselves. This can work either for or against us. Think of a motivational speaker getting the crowd revved up. Excited and inspired, the crowd is susceptible to receiving and internalizing the speaker’s words.

Conversely, in the heat of an argument or traumatic event, negative words can pierce your heart and leave their mark on your psyche. Those words become the internal dialogue we listen to all our lives. Unfortunately, we are conditioned and programmed as young children, with out fully mature reasoning capabilities. Events occur, we interpret them, and make decisions about whom we are. Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “Show me the child at seven and I’ll show you the man.” Those same ideas, decisions and beliefs accepted as a child, continue on and are reinforced and played out as we grow and develop. Hence, if you’ve decided you can never have what you want, you are “stuck” in a mediocre job, unfulfilling relationships, and a general lack of motivation to go after your dream.

Only once you’ve changed those beliefs about yourself on a deeper level, will you see change occurring in your life. As you modify and update how you perceive yourself, the right people, opportunities and circumstances will present themselves. Positive self-talk and the power of strong emotion, propel you toward attaining your goals. See yourself as you’d like to be, picture it in your mind. Feel yourself having what you want, get excited about what could be, and claim it as your own. The power to be who you truly are is within your grasp and within your own mind. Your ability to choose and reconstruct your life is true freedom and empowerment.

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