Friday, June 29, 2007

Physical Relaxation Techniques

These three useful physical relaxation techniques can help you reduce muscle tension and manage the effects of the fight-or-flight response on your body. This is particularly important if you need to think clearly and perform precisely when you are under pressure.

The techniques we will look at are Deep Breathing, Progressive Muscular Relaxation and “The Relaxation Response”.

Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is a simple, but very effective, method of relaxation. It is a core component of everything from the "take ten deep breaths" approach to calming someone down, right through to yoga relaxation and Zen meditation. It works well in conjunction with other relaxation techniques such as Progressive Muscular Relaxation, relaxation imagery and meditation to reduce stress.

To use the technique, take a number of deep breaths and relax your body further with each breath. That's all there is to it!

Progressive Muscular Relaxation
Progressive Muscular Relaxation is useful for relaxing your body when your muscles are tense.

The idea behind PMR is that you tense up a group of muscles so that they are as tightly contracted as possible. Hold them in a state of extreme tension for a few seconds. Then, relax the muscles normally. Then, consciously relax the muscles even further so that you are as relaxed as possible.

By tensing your muscles first, you will find that you are able to relax your muscles more than would be the case if you tried to relax your muscles directly.

Experiment with PMR by forming a fist, and clenching your hand as tight as you can for a few seconds. Relax your hand to its previous tension, and then consciously relax it again so that it is as loose as possible. You should feel deep relaxation in your hand muscles.

The Relaxation Response
‘The Relaxation Response’ is the name of a book published by Dr Herbert Benson of Harvard University in 1968. In a series of experiments into various popular meditation techniques, Dr. Benson established that these techniques had a very real effect on reducing stress and controlling the fight-or-flight response. Direct effects included deep relaxation, slowed heartbeat and breathing, reduced oxygen consumption and increased skin resistance.

This is something that you can do for yourself by following these steps:

* Sit quietly and comfortably.
* Close your eyes.
* Start by relaxing the muscles of your feet and work up your body relaxing muscles.
* Focus your attention on your breathing.
* Breathe in deeply and then let your breath out. Count your breaths, and say the number of the breath as you let it out (this gives you something to do with your mind, helping you to avoid distraction).

Do this for ten or twenty minutes.

An even more potent alternative approach is to follow these steps, but to use relaxation imagery instead of counting breaths in step 5. Again, you can prove to yourself that this works using the biofeedback equipment.

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Managing Stress With Regular Exercise

Taking frequent effective exercise is one of the best physical stress-reduction techniques available. Exercise not only improves your health and reduces stress caused by unfitness, it also relaxes tense muscles and helps you to sleep.

Exercise has a number of other positive benefits you may not be aware of:

  • It improves blood flow to your brain,
    bringing additional sugars and oxygen
    that may be needed when you are thinking
  • When you think hard, the neurons of
    your brain function more intensely. As
    they do this, they can build up toxic
    waste products that can cause foggy thinking
    (you may have experienced the feeling
    that your brain has "turned to cotton
    wool"). By exercising, you speed
    the flow of blood through your brain,
    moving these waste products faster.
  • Exercise can cause release of chemicals
    called endorphins into your blood stream.
    These give you a feeling of happiness
    and positively affect your overall sense
    of well-being.
There is also good evidence that physically fit people have less extreme physiological responses when under pressure than those who are not. This means that fit people are more able to handle the long- term effects of stress, without suffering ill health or burnout.

There are many wrong approaches to exercise. Some traditionally recommended forms of exercise actually damage your body over the medium- or long-term. Your doctor is a good starting point for recommending good forms of exercise.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

The issue of absolute certainty about a certain knowledge or fact is traced back to traditional Aristotelian logic. His works are the oldest known official studies of knowledge that were ever found that still share a lot in common with current theory of logic. Basically, there are two basic ways a person can decide if a certain assumption is a fact or it has to remain an assumption – through deductive and inductive reasoning. Speaking about the subject of certainty in knowledge, we will mention deductive reasoning. Then we will move our focus to present-day inductive reasoning that is established on 20th century association.

Aristotle’s subject of logic progresses essentially around deduction. The primary principle of deduction is that assurance about a given fact can be guaranteed if it is resulting from the necessity. The essential circumstances are called the premise, whereas the result is the conclusion. Even though Aristotle accepted induction as the kind of knowledge his works were fundamentally centered on deduction. To make sure that deduction works, the consequences of the necessity have to be essentially diverse from what has been supposed. By itself, two identical conclusions can not exist. Grounds that superfluous or inconsistent are barred from the reasoning. For a time, there was a belief that our sensory data – color, sounds and the like –are possible to be acquainted with, while the rest of our acquaintance can be inferred to with use of reasoning. It has been pointed out that differentiations between physical and mental worlds are illogical and can be condensed to simple forms. There was a concept that an fundamental usual language statements’ “logical form” could be searched in the analysis and that way uncertainty in language could be prevented. For example, by examining all various meanings of a word and giving them reasonable notations, a person can also learn other ontologically major differences being aware of the accurate logical form of a specified sentence. The method of analysis contains valuation of problematic presuppositions and evidence by using first order logic and decrease of sentence structure to the primary “logical form”.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Effects Of Anger And Stress On Your Health

Recent studies on emotional state and health suggest keeping a positive emotional balance is as important as a healthy diet. Experts at the University of California discovered the anger you keep inside, along with other emotional unbalances trigger complex biochemical reactions in the body that leave us more susceptible to sickness and disease. Holding in anger over time can cause depression and people who hold in a lot of anger are more at risk for illnesses, especially immunological disease (auto immune diseases), including rheumatoid arthritis.

A test was performed on subjects at UCLA with anger and response. Those subjects who kept their anger inside experienced a decrease in immune system activity, but those who expressed their anger showed no chemical change in their bodies. Pent up anger is not the only kind of anger that is dangerous to your health, according to Duke University, students who had low hostility scores had one quarter less chances of having coronary heart disease then those who scored higher in hostility levels.

Those who response violently to stressful situations experienced biochemical changes that are just as destructive to the body and these violent reactions may elevate serotonin levels in the body. Studies with mice and serotonin levels showed that mice with higher levels of serotonin were more aggressive than those with lower levels; more studies need to be done to determine if humans respond in the same way but theoretically speaking serotonin can increase aggressiveness in humans as well. One study on students at Harvard Medical School that was going on for forty five years suggested that health and happiness in older age was directly related to how well those individuals got along with their parents while they were younger. Those students who had a stronger family relationship were happier forty five years later when the University followed up on how they were doing later in life.

Researchers suggest that individuals should reduce their stress levels, keep family relationships going strong and spend more time socializing with friends. Pent up anger can cause a lot of stress on a person and stress can cause health issues as well. Stress can cause all sorts of problems starting with migraines, headaches, digestive problems and memory loss. Depression from pent up anger will cause stress, which in turn can disrupt sleep pattern s and eating habits further stressing the body. To combat stress and anger, exercise on a regular basis. Also, taking brief five minute breaks after someone made you angry to reflect and relax before continuing the day at work or home. Writing down your thoughts on paper can help release some of that pent up anger some researchers say.

If you work in a high stress job, taking supplements like a b complex can help restore the adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands produce the fight of flight hormones, continuous anger and stress will tax the adrenal glands and a b-complex vitamin can help restore those over worked adrenals naturally. Supplementing with herbs such as St. john’s wort and kava kava can help reduce stress and anxiety. Excess stress and anger can lead to anxiety as well. Always consult your doctor if you have questions about herbal supplements and medication. Stop into your local health food store or shop online for supplements like St john’s wort, b-complex vitamins, or other stress supporting supplements.
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8 Things You Need To Know Before Manifesting

Manifesting is a wonderful gift to help us achieve our ultimate potential. History has shown us the men & women who achieved more than we thought possible. They were not specially favored; the only difference is that they know how to use the power of their minds. This knowledge had been known for centuries & had been used to attract success & abundance.

1. Reflection. Start with a reflection of what you wish to manifest. Ask yourself if this is what you really want. Some people tend to wish haphazardly. While I do not doubt that you will eventually get what you wish and the universe will not complain with all the orders you send, the fulfillment of your wish may cause some negative effects in your life. It may cause you grief, unhappiness & frustration. So before writing down your order, reflect on it first. If you are just starting out, make some simple wishes.

2. The illusion of control. Another thing to keep in mind before you start manifesting is avoid making a wish where you wish to take control of someone else’s life. Each one of us has been granted a free will, to attempt to control another person is a clear violation of that person’s right. Imagine how it would feel if you were manipulated by another person.

More so, if you maintain a thought of becoming in control you will end up becoming controlled yourself. The more you keep obsessing a thing or a person, the more you will be controlled such that all your decisions, choices and actions are made with much consideration of that thing. Even if you know that you will not benefit from that action, you will still do it if you think it is a way of controlling the situation.

3. All creations start with a thought. It originates in the mind. Nothing can be made without it being visualized in the mind first. Once you start to think a thought and put a very powerful emotion with it, it is already a combination that will start a chain reaction towards its fulfillment. No this is not to say that it will just assemble itself into something tangible, its creation will come about by a set of orchestrated designs through opportunities. So open your self to opportunities, do not hold on to a design on how it should be done.

5. Openness. Whatever you desire will be manifested in ways which you may not expect or planned. Your job is just to make known what you want to manifest, how it is going to be manifested is the job of the universe, God or whatever power you conceive the “source” to be. You can only think of one, two or three ways but the “source” can find or design so much more. So be open and do not limit yourself to what is present in your reality.

4. The subconscious. Our mind has 3 levels of consciousness. The one we are in when we are awake is the conscious mind. The conscious mind is filled with active thoughts passing every second. If you have noticed, there is never a moment that your mind is not thinking. We think all the time and the quality of these thoughts has a profound effect on our entire life. Most people’s thoughts is on problems & lack, no wonder most people at poor, over stressed & over worked.

The 2nd level is the subconscious mind. The subconscious is the gateway to the realization of your creation. Whatever thought it is fed will become the reality of that person. The subconscious operates when the mind is relaxed such as during meditation or hypnosis. It is the principle being used in self-improvement or to treat smoking through hypnosis. In hypnosis, the subject is put into a trance. In this state, the conscious mind is at rest making the subject open to suggestions.

The subconscious will accept anything that it is being fed. Even during waking hours, the constant repetition of a thought will cause it be embedded or retained by the subconscious mind. Constantly thinking of lack coupled with constant complains & verbalization of lack will lead the subconscious to a belief that there is indeed lack. You will create what you always think about. Lack = lack. Lack cannot be equal to abundance.

You do not need to be in a relaxed mind in order to program yourself for lack. You know why? Because most of us made a habit of thinking only this negative thought. In addition to that, we affirm it daily with our complaints and power it with emotions of frustrations. On the other hand, a positive thought is just so hard to believe in the midst of our conceived reality. If we so believe in the present reality, it is hard to think abundance without saying “Yeah right!”

6. Giving. In order to receive you, must give. The mechanism that triggers the act of receiving your desires is the act of giving. If you give more, you are creating a consciousness of “having more” because you are giving. The “having more” consciousness will manifest in your reality as abundance.

7. Let Go. I have read that manifesting is like planting a seed. If you keep on digging it to check on its development, it will never grow. Seeds need to be planted on a good soil, watered frequently, given sunlight & be allowed to grow. Same with a wish, once you have already sent it out let it manifest on its own. Give it the time to grow and become what it is suppose to be.

8. Give thanks. Make a habit of giving thanks for whatever you receive, however small. A certain author of a book mentioned that whenever she had to write a check to pay her bills she would put a message of thanks because she can pay her bills. Be grateful for the things you receive & be grateful for the things you have to give. Most of all, be grateful for the things you can conceive with your mind even if you cannot conceive it with your senses yet.
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Be a Person of Integrity

Integrity is the foundation of character, and character development is one of the most important activities you can engage in. Working on your character means disciplining yourself to do more and more of those things that a thoroughly honest person would do, under all circumstances.

Integrity is a value, like persistence, courage, and industriousness. Even more than that, it is the value that guarantees all the other values. You are a good person to the degree to which you live your life consistently with the highest values that you espouse. Integrity is the quality that locks in your values and causes you to live consistently with them.

To be impeccably honest with others, you must first be impeccably honest with yourself. You must be true to yourself. You must be true to the very best that is in you, to the very best that you know. Only a person who is living consistently with his highest values and virtues is really living a life of integrity, and when you commit to living this kind of life, you will find yourself continually raising your own standards, continually refining your definition of integrity and honesty.

You can tell how high your level of integrity is by simply looking at the things you do in your day-to-day life. You can look at your reactions and responses to the inevitable ups and downs of life. You can observe the behaviors you typically engage in, and you will then know the person you are.

The external manifestation of high integrity is high-quality work. A person who is totally honest with himself will be someone who does, or strives to do, excellent work on every occasion. The totally honest person recognizes, sometimes unconsciously, that everything he does is a statement about who he really is as a person.

When you start a little earlier, work a little harder, stay a little later, and concentrate on every detail, you are practicing integrity in your work. And whether you know it or not, your true level of integrity is apparent and obvious to everyone around you.

Perhaps the most important rule you will ever learn is that your life only becomes better when you become better.

All of life is lived from the inside out. At the very core of your personality lie your values about yourself and life in general. Your values determine the kind of person you really are, what you believe has defined your character and your personality. It is what you stand for, and what you won’t stand for, that tells you and the world the kind of person you have become.

Ask yourself this question: what are your five most important values in life? Your answer will reveal an enormous amount about you. What would you pay for, sacrifice for, suffer for, and even die for? What would you stand up for or refuse to lie down for? What are the values that you hold most dear? Think these questions through carefully and, when you get a chance, write down your answers. Here’s another way of asking that question: what men and women, living or dead, do you most admire? Once you pick three or four men or women, the next question is, why do you admire them? What values, qualities, or virtues do they have that you respect and look up to? Can you articulate those qualities? What is a quality possessed by human beings in general that you most respect? This is the starting point for determining your values. The answers to these questions form the foundation of your character and your personality.

Once you have determined your five major values, you should now organize them in order of importance. What is your first, most important value? What is your second value? What is your third value? And so on. Ranking your values is one of the very best and fastest ways to define your character.

Remember, a higher-order value will always take precedence over a lower-order value. Whenever you are forced to choose between acting on one value or another, you always choose the value that is the highest on your own personal hierarchy.

Who you are, in your heart, is evidenced by what you do on a day-to-day basis, especially when you are pushed into a position where you have to make a choice between two values or alternatives. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Guard your integrity as a sacred thing.” In study after study the quality of integrity, or a person’s adherence to values, ranks as the number one quality sought in every field. When it comes to determining with whom they will do business, customers rank the honesty of a salesperson as the most important single quality. Even if they feel that a salesperson’s product, quality, and price is superior, customers will not buy from that salesperson if they feel that he or she is lacking in honesty and character.

Likewise, integrity is the number one quality of leadership. Integrity in leadership is expressed in terms of constancy and consistency. It is manifested in an absolute devotion to keeping one’s word. The glue that holds all relationships together—including the relationship between the leader and the led—is trust, and trust is based on integrity.

Integrity is so important that functioning in our society would be impossible without it. We could not make even a simple purchase without a high level of confidence that the price was honest and that the change was correct. The most successful individuals and companies in America are those with reputations of high integrity among everyone they deal with. This level of integrity builds the confidence that others have in them and enables them to do more business than their competitors, whose ethics may be a little shaky. Earl Nightingale once wrote, “If honesty did not exist, it would have to be invented, as it is the surest way of getting rich.” A study at Harvard University concluded that the most valuable asset that a company has is how it is known to its customers: its reputation.

By the same token, your greatest personal asset is the way that you are known to your customers. It is your personal reputation for keeping your word and fulfilling your commitments. Your integrity precedes you and affects all of your interactions with other people. There are several things you can do to move you more rapidly toward becoming the kind of person that you know you are capable of becoming. The first, as I mentioned, is to decide upon your five most important values in life. Organize them in order of priority. Then, write a brief paragraph defining what each of those values means to you. A value combined with a definition becomes an organizing principle, a statement that you can use to help you make better decisions. It is a measure and standard which enables you to know how closely you are adhering to your innermost beliefs and convictions.

The second step to developing integrity and character in yourself is to study men and women of great character. Study the lives and stories of people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale, Susan B. Anthony, and Margaret Thatcher. Study the people whose strength of character enabled them to change their world. As you read, think about how they would behave if they were facing the difficulties that you face.

Napoleon Hill, in his book The Master Key to Riches, tells about how he created an imaginary board of personal advisors made up of great figures of history. He chose people like Napoleon, Lincoln, Jesus, and Alexander the Great. Whenever he had to make a decision, he would relax deeply and then imagine that the members of his advisory council were sitting at a large table in front of him. He would then ask them what he should do to deal effectively with a particular situation. In time, they would begin to give him answers, observations, and insights that helped him to see more clearly and act more effectively.

You can do the same thing. Select someone that you very much admire for his qualities of courage, tenacity, honesty, or wisdom. Ask yourself “What would Jesus do in my situation?” or “What would Lincoln do if he were here at this time?” You will find yourself with guidance that enables you to be the very best person that you can possibly be.

The third and most important step in building your integrity has to do with formulating your approach based on the psychology of human behavior. We know that if you feel a particular way, you will act in a manner consistent with that feeling. For example, if you feel happy, you will act happily. If you feel angry, you will act angrily. If you feel courageous, you will act courageously.

But we also know that you don’t always start off feeling the way you want to. However, because of the Law of Reversibility, if you act as if you had a particular feeling, the action will generate the feeling consistent with it. You can, in effect, act your way into feeling. You can “fake it until you make it.”

You can become a superior human being by consciously acting exactly as the kind of person that you would most like to become. If you behave like an individual of integrity, courage, resolution, persistence, and character, you will soon create within yourself the mental structure and habits of such a person. Your actions will become your reality. You will create a personality that is consistent with your highest aspirations.

The more you walk, talk, and behave consistently with your highest values, the more you will like yourself and the better you will feel about yourself. Your self-image will improve, and your level of self-acceptance will go up. You will feel stronger, bolder, and more capable of facing any challenge.

There are three primary areas of your life where acting with integrity is crucial. These are the three areas of greatest temptation for forsaking your integrity as well as the areas of greatest opportunity for building your integrity. When you listen to your inner voice and do what you know to be the right thing in each of these areas, you will have a sense of peace and satisfaction that will lead you on to success and high achievement.

The first area of integrity has to do with your relationships with your family and your friends, the people close to you. Being true to yourself means living in truth with each person in your life. It means refusing to say or do something that you don’t believe is right. Living in truth with other people means that you refuse to stay in any situation where you are unhappy with the behavior of another person. You refuse to tolerate it. You refuse to compromise. Psychologists have determined that most stress and negativity come from attempting to live in a way that is not congruent with your highest values. It is when your life is out of alignment, when you are doing and saying one thing on the outside but really feeling and believing something different on the inside, that you feel most unhappy. When you decide to become an individual of character and integrity, your first action will be to neutralize or remove all difficult relationships from your life.

This doesn’t mean that you have to go and hit somebody over the head with a stick. It simply means that you honestly confront another person and tell him that you are not happy. Tell him that you would like to reorganize this relationship so that you feel more content and satisfied. If the other person is not willing to make adjustments so that you can be happy, it should be clear to you that you don’t want to be in this relationship much longer anyway. The second area of integrity has to do with your attitude and behavior toward money. Casualness toward money brings casualties in your financial life. You must be fastidious about your treatment of money, especially other people’s money. You must guard your credit rating the same way you would guard your honor. You must pay your bills punctually, or even early. You must keep your promises with regard to your financial commitments.

The third area of integrity has to do with your commitments to others, especially in your business, your work, and your sales activities. Always keep your word. Be a man or a woman of honor. If you say that you will do something, do it. If you make a promise, keep it. If you make a commitment, fulfill it. Be known as the kind of person that can be trusted absolutely, no matter what the circumstances.

Your integrity is manifested in your willingness to adhere to the values you hold most dear. It’s easy to make promises and hard to keep them, but if you do, every single act of integrity will make your character a little stronger. And as you improve the quality and strength of your character, every other part of your life will improve as well.

You can control Yourself!, isn't it?

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Time Management for Single Moms – How to Save Hours in a Day

Time management can daunting for single moms. As breadwinners of the next generation, single moms often engage in stressful multi-tasking, but they still lack time to do everything that needs to be done. If you think it's tough being a mom, try being a working mom. If you think it's tough being a working mom, try being a single mom.
There are methods that can be applied to time management, especially for single moms. If you want to know the secrets of time management suited for single moms, read the following tips:

Tip # 1: Plan and Organize.

Your days should be mapped out to maximize time. At the start of every phase in your life, a new job, a new year, after your birthday, etc., plan how your days go. Scheduling is imperative, if you seek to do the most that you can with every hour that you're given. Stick to your schedules, giving allowances only for priorities and your children.

Tip # 2: Prioritize.

If, for example, something comes up, or too much is on your schedule for the day, bump off a few tasks. Prioritize the most important tasks that you really have to do today, and spread out the rest to do for the next few days.

Just list down everything you need to do, and then rank them up by urgency. Limit yourself to ten per day, and tick off these tasks as you finish them. If something comes up that you also must attend to, prioritize only the most urgent and most important tasks to fill your day with. Remember, you are no Superwoman. Take care of your sanity too.

Tip # 3: Delegate.

When you know that you can't do everything on your schedule, you need to ask for help and give some of your tasks to others. Remember that you're only human. You need to have time for yourself, too. You also shouldn't let yourself get run down by multi-tasking. If you can't mind the kids because you have to work, get daycare. You could also look for a babysitter.

But if you worry about your kids' security, it would be best if your office has daycare facilities. At least your kids will be near you and you can work with less worry, knowing they are safe and nearby.

Living the life of a single mom can become fun and enjoyable, if you apply these tips. Time management for single moms is easy; you just have to start by admitting that you can only do so much in a day.

Time management is a skill that single moms must learn, and learn well. With the dual role you have (and who knows what other things you’ll be able to do), being able to plan, prioritize, and delegate your tasks are essential to maintain your sanity.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Save Your Child Before It Is Too Late

Most of us carry childhood traumas made acute with the rise in child psychology. This has resulted in us trying to become the friends of our children, but not just that. We try to do everything for them under the excuse that our parents did not do these things for us. But is this the right way to bring up our children. What is the Butterfly System? Fact: Most know that the butterfly is a transformation of a caterpillar which itself comes from an egg. But, did you know that for the caterpillar to become a butterfly it has to form a cocoon. When it turns into a butterfly, it has to struggle to open the cocoon, and it takes them hours to manage to break that open. Once they do, they emerge, spread their wings and fly off.

Hypothesis: If you try and cut open the cocoon to help the butterfly emerge, you will destroy it. It will be too weak to fly. So, even if you put it in front of you and even if its in your power to cut the cocoon open, you won't because you are thinking about the best interests of the butterfly. Lesson: Just like you would leave the butterfly trapped inside the cocoon, you have to learn how to let your children fight through life by themselves. Yes, at first, they will not succeed, and may even fail badly. You will want to help them. You might even know how to help them. But, please, do not! The Toughest Part: The lesson is easily understood, but it is very difficult to start acting like that. We, as parents, have to realize that our duty is not to have fun with them or to ensure that they succeed, but to guide them so that they learn how to succeed. Lessons for the Future: We have to start goading our kids to success. Yes, we all love it when our kids do well, but its more important that they learn how to succeed even if that means that they fail again and again. Sometimes, the kids do well. That is great, but again, we have to watch how they do it. If they cheat, its our duty to guide them. This might seem trivial, but how many times have you helped your child do his or her homework or class project just so that they will get a good grade. Is that what parenting is all about? Good grades and tons of awards in the closet? No! Remember that if your children do not learn how to succeed when they are young, they will not pick it up as they grow older. What to Remember: Answer the following for me: Do you want your child to do well now? Or do you want your child to succeed when he grows up? Remember that you have to choose one. If you are lucky you might get both, but what I am saying is that you have to focus your parenting on one goal only. Jack Reider has two children, and he raises them according to the butterfly principle. One has gone on to become the CEO of an online casino and the other is on his way to banking glory.

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Teenage Depression

Teenage Depression Signs

It’s very important to be able to spot behavioral warning signs. Note that some mood changes are more extreme than most, and that one shouldn’t immediately jump to conclusions when trying to deal with a teenager’s emotions. Being observant and having the ability to differentiate between mood swings and negatively, destructive behavior is a key element in dealing with teenage depression.

What are the symptoms that indicate that a teenager is experiencing depression? A few telltale signs of this condition include:

• long periods of irritability
• feelings of hopelessness
• social isolation
• excessive crying and feelings of sadness
• physical and/or verbal aggression
• loss of pleasure in one’s normal routine and activities
• constant feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy
• deteriorating performance in school
• suicidal thoughts

Depressed teenagers may also exhibit destructive behavior and use activities such as alcohol and drug abuse, as well as self-injury, as an outlet for their feelings.

Teenage Depression Causes

As mentioned earlier, peer pressure and parental expectations play a large part in a teenager’s feelings of self-worth and behavior. Once he feels that he is unable to keep up with all the expectations and live up to other people’s standards, this will cause him to doubt himself.

Young people also place a high premium on being accepted. When a teenager fails to fit in, this contributes to stronger feeling of inadequacy. After all, for many young people, being alone, different, and unpopular is a terrible thing.

Family problems can also give rise to teenage depression. Young people may harbor feelings of guilt and start questioning themselves, wondering if they somehow contributed to the problems, especially if they’re also the constant targets for criticism. They will start thinking that their presence at home is unnecessary and that everyone’s life will be better if they disappeared.

Performance in school is another trigger for teenage depression. With academics becoming more difficult at this age, teenagers may not be able to keep up with schoolwork as well as they used to, and would therefore experience failures from time to time.

Frustration with schoolwork, fear of disappointing parents, and dismay at one’s self can all lead to feelings of worthlessness. In Japan, for example, there was a time when suicide among students was on the rise, especially among those who performed poorly in school.

Teenage Depression Treatments

Clearly, teenage depression is not a joke and certainly not just the dramatic whimpering of young people. It’s a major problem that deserves the fullest attention of one’s friends and family.

That’s why it’s very important to be very supportive and attentive. Rather than being impatient with the young person’s behavior, parents in particular should pay careful attention and take the time to really understand what their children are going through. It would be a great help if they are able to convey to their child that he is loved and that he is a promising individual with lots of potential. Young people need encouragement and support to get through this difficult time in their lives.

Family and friends of a depressed teenager can also get help from counseling services and organizations that specifically deal with teenage depression. Some may also choose to enlist the help of professionals.

Coping with the issue of teenage depression is a daunting task for many, but the results are worthwhile once the teenager is able to overcome it. It will take a lot of time and effort for everyone involved and the important thing to do is to work hard and do everything possible to ensure that your child will find satisfaction and fulfillment in his teenage years.

Teenage depression hits 5% of children and adolescents, as reported by experts. Teenage depression is serious and needs to be addressed when symptoms start to show.

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Payback Time - Surviving Adolescence

Parents from children or teens mat have said, "you'll get yours!" Or used such terms as "payback time." That cuddly little baby came along and you made it through the "terrible two's" and early parts of childhood. You went through the potty training. You survived the tantrums while shopping when the little ones wanted everything they saw and would start screaming when they didn't get it. You tried shouting at your child and found that this works as well as driving your car with its horn. Soon things are going much smoother and you are finding it easier to love your child. You are now thinking that "payback time" was not so bad. It looks as if you have trained some very well mannered children that know you are the boss and they better listen up or else. Once again, I hate to remind you folks but you also have the joy of puberty and adolescence to look forward to. Now, I realize you were a perfect child and never gave your parents a bit of trouble. You never back-talked, fibbed, snuck out of the house or did anything else that your parents should be upset about. I understand just where you are coming from, for I was a perfect child too. Now my brother and sisters, I know they gave our parents plenty of trouble but me, I was just the one that got grounded or spanked when they did something wrong. Now with your child it will be different than it was with you.

As your cute little darling is going through the adolescent years you are going to have some very trying times. Adolescence is the age at which children stop asking questions because they know all of the answers. This is the time they are going to do all of those things that we don't want to admit that we did. You will tell them not to snack before supper and a little while later you catch them with a cookie and soda pop in their hand. "But mom, I caught the dog with the soda and cookie and I was just putting them away." You catch them sneaking into the house at midnight when you had sent them off to bed at 9PM. "But dad, I heard a noise outside and was just checking on the cat." You ask, "Did you do your homework this afternoon?" "Oh yes," they reply, but the next day you get a call from the school, only to find out that no homework has been turned in for the last two weeks. Over time, you try all types of punishment from taking privileges away, grounding and spanking (yes, the good old spanking does still go on in some homes, but nothing seems to work. Suddenly you are starting to think that my parents were right and I am getting mine.


The adolescent continues to defy you and you keep fighting back. Remember this is adolescence, an age when the children are trying to bring up their parents. Don't fret, you are lucky, for in 8 to 10 years they should be through this stage, and time does seem to go by fast when you are having fun.

While puberty and the teen years are often spotted with periods of hell for the parents, it is also a magnificent time. A time when what was once no more than just a seed (egg) and a bit of fertilizer (sperm) has started to develop into a beautiful flower. I know you will have days when you think of them more as a vegetable or weed than a flower but this is normal, so don't fret, just survive.

If we can think back as far as our own puberty and adolescent years, we will remember that there were periods of hell for us, too. Our bodies were making some horrific changes that we probably did not completely understand. In all honesty, if we were placed under hypnosis, we would probably find out that we, too, were rebellious.

It isn't easy to change from a child to an adult, something that we didn't choose. The chemicals in our bodies called hormones made this choice. As we are going through these changes we are doing a lot of questioning, we start to get a bit of hair under our arms and on our crotch and we think that we are now grown up and should be treated as an adult. We want to do things our way and not be told how we should to it. The word "no" is not in our vocabulary, at least when our parents or other adults tell us that we shouldn't do something.

You will have times when your teenager has episodes of anger and negativity in which they slam doors and scream tirades. According to experts, most puberty-driven "snit fits" last and average of 15 minutes, it just seems like longer because they are doing it off and on for about 15 years. I think my parents were right and there is such a thing as "payback time!"

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Psychological Bullying Hits Just As Hard

School bullying doesn’t have to leave physical bumps and bruises to contribute to a hostile and potentially dangerous school environment. Behavior that intentionally harms another individual, through the manipulation of social relationships (or ‘relational aggression’), is just as significant a concern for adolescent psychosocial development and mental health, according to Dr. Sara Goldstein from Montclair State University and her colleagues from the University of Michigan.

Their study shows that adolescents exposed to high levels of relational aggression perceive their school to be less safe, and are less pleased with the general social atmosphere of the school. Adolescent boys who are exposed to relational aggression are also more likely to carry a weapon to school. This is not the case for girls.

A total of 1,335 African American and European American adolescents, aged 11 – 19 years, from a public school district in Detroit, Michigan, took part in an Internet survey which looked at how relational aggression at school is associated with adolescents’ perceptions of, and participation in, a hostile school environment.

Respondents were asked about their direct experience of being victims of both relational aggression (e.g. How often in the last month have students told stories about you that were untrue? How often in the previous month did students not include you in joining in what they were doing?), and overt aggression. Respondents were also asked about their experience of witnessing both relational and overt aggression.

Most of the research to date looking at aggression in schools has focused on physically and verbally harmful behaviors, such as hitting, pushing, and name calling. This study looks at how other forms of aggression that target victims’ relationships and peer standing can lead to school-related problems. Contrary to other work in this field, it also looks at the effect of witnessing relational aggression, rather than simply focusing on victims. There is already strong evidence to link relational aggression with social anxiety, loneliness and depression, peer difficulties and substance use.

The authors conclude that the impact of school aggression is such that it calls for “creative means to (a) detect relational aggression, and (b) address it in a manner that respects adolescents’ need for autonomy over their peer relationships but also discourages relationally aggressive behavior.”

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Springer.

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Parents And Siblings See Imbalances In Parents' Attention Differently

Laurie Kramer, a U of I professor of applied family studies said, "You'd think it would be clear when a child is receiving more positive or negative attention, and why that might be happening, but families don't seem to talk much about these differences unless someone complains,".

The study, conducted with Amanda K. Kowal and Jennifer L. Krull of the University of Missouri, included 74 two-parent, middle-class families with one child between the ages of 11 and 13 and a teen sibling who was two to four years older. Parents and siblings were interviewed individually about family interaction.

Even when children reported that they and their siblings were treated differently, they often didn't agree about exactly how or why they were being treated differently, Kramer said. One thing, however, was clear: siblings got along better if they had a shared understanding of why parents treated them differently and believed the treatment was fair.

"That means it's important for families to talk about these issues, and for mothers and fathers to really listen to what their kids are telling them about how their actions are affecting them," said Kramer.

An earlier study by the researchers showed that siblings understand when differences in treatment occur if there's a good reason for it. "For example, if a child is having trouble in school, parents may spend extra time with that child helping with homework and encouraging him. A brother or sister can usually understand that even if it means that they get less parental attention," Kramer said.

Parents can often squelch feelings of disadvantaged treatment by simply explaining the motivation behind their actions, she said. "Say, for example, 'I bought Joe a car when he was 17 because he was working after school and needed transportation. I didn't get one for you at this point because you're working downtown and don't even have a place to park a car."

"If that goes unsaid, the child who doesn't get a car at 17 may make assumptions that just aren't valid. Many families have limited financial resources or other good reasons for making such decisions. It's usually not 'Mom likes you best,'" Kramer said.

Kramer said that differential treatment performed by mothers may have a greater impact on teens' sibling relationships than fathers' differential treatment. "Children tend to closely monitor the ways in which mothers treat them and their siblings differently, and when they feel they have been unfairly treated, they may react with greater dissatisfaction than when fathers treat kids differently," she said.

The study appeared in a recent issue of Social Development. Funding was provided by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Recent Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Among Urban Teen

"Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescents," according to background information in the article. "In 2003, 6.5 per 100,000 U.S. teenagers aged 14 to 19 years committed suicide." In 2005, more than 8 percent of high school students reported one or more suicide attempts in the previous year. Childhood sexual assault has been linked with depression, alcohol use and violence, making it a likely risk factor for a suicide attempt. "Dating violence has also been shown to be associated with depressive symptoms and multiple health-compromising behaviors," the authors write.

Elyse Olshen, M.D., M.P.H., of Columbia University Medical Center, New York, and colleagues analyzed self-administered, anonymous questionnaires completed by 8,080 students (age 14 and older) from 87 New York City public high schools in 2005. The surveys measured different risk behaviors such as use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, unintentional injury and violence, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors and physical activity. Students were also asked how many times they had attempted suicide, if they had experienced dating violence and if they had been sexually assaulted in the past 12 months.

Females made up 51 percent of the students and those who responded were primarily not white (40.1 percent Hispanic, 36 percent black, 16 percent Asian/other and 7.9 percent white). "Persistent sadness (feeling sad or hopeless daily for two weeks in a row during the past year) occurred in 40.2 percent of female students and 24.2 percent of male students; also, 19.9 percent of females and 10.3 percent of males reported suicidal ideation [suicidal thoughts or behaviors] or seriously considering attempting suicide in the past year."

A lifetime history of sexual assault was reported by 9.6 percent of the females and 5.4 percent of the males in the study. In the past year, 10.6 percent of the girls and 9.5 percent of the boys reported that they had experienced dating violence and 11.7 percent of adolescent girls and 7.2 percent of adolescent boys reported that they had attempted suicide one or more times. For girls, violence in the past year was associated with suicide attempts, while lifetime history of sexual assault was not.

Other significant factors influencing suicide attempts among females included sexual orientation, persistent sadness, disordered eating, feeling unsafe at school, being in a physical fight and binge drinking. For male students, lifetime history of sexual assault was associated with suicide attempts, while dating violence in the past year was not. Other factors influencing suicide attempts among boys included sexual orientation, persistent sadness, disordered eating, drug use and gun possession.

"While our study focused on public high school students in a single urban area, our results are likely generalizable to urban youth across the United States," the authors conclude. "Questions about violence, depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicidality are all extremely important and should be included as part of a comprehensive health assessment of adolescents. Furthermore, clinicians, educators and other professionals working with youth should be trained to routinely screen for violence victimization and should have a low threshold for referring these at-risk teenagers for mental health services."

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by JAMA and Archives Journals.
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Divorce Puts Children at Higher Risk of Ritalin

Dr. Lisa Strohschein found that there is a "significantly higher" risk of Ritalin use--nearly twice as high--for children whose parents divorce compared to children whose parents remain together. It is the first study to follow children over time and evaluate whether experiencing parental divorce increases the risk for subsequent Ritalin use, a drug commonly prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Previous studies have only compared the proportion of children taking Ritalin in two- biological parent homes versus single parent households. While such studies showed that living in a single parent household was a risk factor for Ritalin use, Strohschein suggests that a snapshot comparison across different family types provides an incomplete picture. There are a number of other ways--including being born to a never-married mother--that a child can come to live in a single-parent household.

"So the question was, 'is it possible that divorce acts a stressful life event that creates adjustment problems for children, which might increase acting out behaviour, leading to a prescription for Ritalin"'" said Strohschein.

She was drawn to look at Ritalin usage because prescriptions to children for Ritalin have skyrocketed over the past two decades, leading to concern over whether it is being appropriately prescribed.

Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) from 1994 to 2000, Strohschein restricted her sample to almost 5000 children who, at initial interview, lived in a two-biological parent household and were not Ritalin users. Between 1994 and 2000, 633 of these children (13.2 per cent) experienced the divorce of their parents. The percentage of children taking methylphenidate, or Ritalin, during that time was 3.3 per cent for children whose parents remained married and 6.1 per cent for children whose parents divorced during this time period. The findings complement previous research by showing that it is not just living in a single parent household, but parental divorce that is associated with greater risk.

One potential explanation for the higher use of Ritalin could be that divorce is stressful and some kids develop mental health problems and are then appropriately prescribed the drug, says Strohschein. "But a second possibility could be that ADHD has a genetic component so the association between parental divorce and Ritalin use in children exists because parents themselves have personality features that make it less likely their marriages will last," she said. "On the other hand there is also the very public perception that divorce is always bad for kids and so when children of divorce come to the attention of the health-care system--possibly because parents anticipate their child must be going through adjustment problems--doctors may be more likely to diagnose a problem and prescribe Ritalin.

"If this latter case is the real explanation, then there is the possibility that Ritalin is being prescribed inappropriately."

The message, says Strohschein, is to educate parents and doctors that not all kids develop mental health problems when their parents divorce. Instead, there is a need to look at the circumstances in the child's life before, during and after the divorce event to determine if the child is actually having problems coping. "In other words, it's too extreme to assume all children are adversely affected by divorce," she said. "We want to be very careful in ensuring that children who really need help receive treatment and avoid giving medication to kids who may not be well served by it."

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Common Treatment For Methamphetamine Overdose May Damage Brain Cells

A common antipsychotic drug used in emergency rooms to treat methamphetamine overdose damages nerve cells in an area of the brain known to regulate movement, a new study shows.

The findings, derived from experiments with rats, indicate that only the combination of the medication, haloperidol, and methamphetamine causes the destructive effects, not either one alone. Senior author Bryan Yamamoto, PhD, and his team at Boston University School of Medicine suspect the damage results from the exaggerated stimulation of cells by the amino acid glutamate, which proves toxic to cells producing the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Their results are published in the May 30 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience.

"This work in laboratory animals raises immediate concerns that a standard treatment for methamphetamine overdose in humans might worsen drug abuse-related brain injuries," says William Carlezon, PhD, at Harvard's McLean Hospital, who was not affiliated with the study. "A crucial next step is to determine how atypical antipsychotic medications would affect methamphetamine toxicity in the same model."

The rats in the experiment were injected with either methamphetamine or a saline solution over a period of eight hours. When the rats were given haloperidol before and nearly halfway through the eight-hour period, Yamamoto and his colleagues noted more than a fivefold rise in base levels of glutamate in the substantia nigra, a part of the brain known to play a role in movement disorders such as Huntington's disease.

After examining the long-term effects of the combination, they found that glutamate concentrations in the substantia nigra were twice as high in methamphetamine-treated rats as in saline-treated ones two days after injections. Yamamoto and his colleagues were able to link this rise in glutamate to the death of GABA-containing cells in one part of the substantia nigra. This may predispose some people who have been treated for a methamphetamine overdose to seizures and the development of movement disorders, they say, although the study did not measure movement specifically.

In addition to future studies of other antipsychotic medications, says Yamamoto, "we hope to examine if the loss of cells results in abnormal involuntary movements resembling Tourette's syndrome and Huntington's disease."

The work was a supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and a gift from Hitachi America.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Society for Neuroscience.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Just imagine how good it feels to be the envy of everyone and have their eyes staring in amazement at the sight of your outstanding body figure. Studies have also shown that having less belly fat means lower blood pressure and improves performance in school or at work.

It’s time to stop dreaming and start applying these powerful tips to lose belly fat fast to improve your sense of well being and gain the respect of everyone.

1. Eat 5 to 6 times a day to lose belly fat fast.

Does that sound like a dream come true to food lovers out there? Well, not exactly. You see, you are not allowed to pig out and eat all you can for 5 to 6 times a day. That’s insane!

You should just eat smaller portions more often. Many believe that eating fewer times in a day would make them slimmer. Not a chance! When you eat only about 3 times a day, you will tend to binge when you finally get to eat. Binging is one of the worst things you can do if you want to lose belly fat fast.

Regular eating 5 to 6 times a day prevents you from overeating as a result of missed meals. It also boosts your metabolism due to the burning effect of the foods you eat.

Although you are eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, it is highly recommendable to eat the most during the start of the day and eat less as the day comes to an end.

2. Eat fat burning foods more often to lose belly fat fast.

Eat foods that contain lots of proteins, and those with less carbohydrates and saturated fats.

Here we go. The healthiest fat burning foods to lose belly fat fast include brown rice, oats, bran, whole grain/whole wheat foods, vegetables, natural fruits that are not canned or sweetened (like apples, oranges, and banana), skim milk, chicken breast and other lean meats, egg whites, and seafood.

Foods you should avoid to lose belly fat fast include the ones that are the most tempting to eat (how ironic can it be). These includes the usual pizzas, hamburgers, ice cream, french fries, all oily or deep-fried foods, bakery foods (including pies, cakes, white bread, pastries, and donuts), chocolates, fatty meats, foods that contain lots of sugar, potato chips and junk foods.

It is perfectly fine to indulge two times in a week because not eating “satisfying” foods for a long time may alarm your body to store body fat to prevent itself from going into starvation mode. So this is your ideal excuse to enjoy some great-tasting foods once in a while without the guilt. Hey, you don’t have to worry about it if you know the proper way on how to lose belly fat fast.
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Think Positive With Five Spiritual Steps

Where we get into trouble is giving up our freedom to make new choices based upon the present. Every day is new, no matter how you slice it. The sun comes up in spite of our mistakes or the despair we must face. But we are meant to continually move forward. Getting stuck in the past holds us behind, as prisoners within an incredible universe of opportunity. True empowerment stems from living now, not reacting to now from a mindset of the past or living with worry about what might happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. What can we do every day, no matter what has happened to in the past, to begin painting a positive life on a fresh, new canvas?

Classify the Past

The past is a collection of our emotions, experiences, and thought patterns as a result of living life. As adults, when we feel an emotion, it’s often based upon past experience. Life events trigger our emotional collection, and we interpret our current experiences through this lens. The problem is the value we take away from the past. When we allow only the good to shine through, we are able to live in the present. When we worry about the future, or agonize over the past, we are not fully engaged in life. The trick is to stay focused on your capabilities to address the present. View your past as a wonderful, robust course in life and stop agonizing over your mistakes or what someone said.

Examine Emotional Carryover

Changing a negative outlook takes a bit of discipline because you have to deeply resonate with the idea of what you want in the present moment, and accept it as already happening. When you attune to an idea, goal, or state of mind, you want to attract it now, not in the future. It takes a lot of self-reflection.

Do some simple mental housecleaning to discover if what you are feeling now is being embroidered upon by the past. If you’re discouraged, shift your thinking to the “today” setting and stop dredging up all sorts of feelings from the last twenty years – about your parents, jobs that no longer matter, or even people who let you down. Release those people and circumstances and be free. If you carry so much heaviness, you’ll never get out from under water. The past is over. Do yourself a favor and lighten your load – buoyancy guaranteed!

Release Fear and Self-Doubt

I think we are often fearful of believing we can have anything we want. When we look at the world, we see so much lack, unhappiness, war, starvation, pain, struggle, limitation. We begin to believe in it, and then we give those ideas power. With the number of people we see every day immersed in those conditions, it seems nearly impossible to trust that the normal human experience can be one of abundance, joy, peace, fulfillment, health, and ease. We’ve been told since childhood that “nothing’s perfect.” Nothing is worse than this type of programming, because we’re never going to realize our full human potential until we release our former ideas of what is possible. Life is a beautiful, perfect, glorious miracle. We choose our situations, our families, our painful experiences in order to evolve.

As we observe the full range of everything from despair to triumph, we see the huge opportunity that exists to make change. Despair challenges our perception of what can be. With fear and self-doubt in our toolkit, our capability to produce change is diminished. In the big picture, life is perfect because it is giving us room to grow. A little bad weather makes us sturdier. We need the rain, and even a cold winter solidifies us, making us more receptive to spring. But, sure as anything, we are going to grow despite our circumstances. There should be no fear of growth. We should be proud of surviving, overcoming, beating the odds, not living in fear of more to come, and especially proud of not dragging ourselves down, together with those around us, with emotions like fear and self-doubt that do nothing but keep us in the dark.

Be Inspired by Everyone

Life has many meanings but often we’ve got the definition backwards. As an exchange with others, life isn’t all about taking it in. It’s mostly about what you give out. This I know to be true, based upon my observations of many people who are critically ill yet have fantastic attitudes about sharing themselves with others.

If you visit a pediatric cancer ward, you will see children who are physically challenged beyond words but are still an inspiration to everyone around them. Despite their prognosis, their light shines bright with hope because they are living one day at a time. They seem illuminated and, thankfully, keep the rest of us going. Quite frankly, they are among the most inspirational people we have on earth, because they make everyone stop and think, “If life can be good despite those circumstances, then why am I holding myself back?” I believe part of their purpose is to give the rest of us a wake-up call to change our outlook. And if we find ourselves in the same boat, we too can keep everyone else going strong while we test our own abilities to stay in the present moment.

Consciously Create Your Day

Over the years, I have experimented with ways to release the past and move forward, living life in the present moment. I’ve noticed that when I start my day without any clear direction of how I choose to think, I don’t get the results I want. I used to spend years regurgitating old problems. Without establishing my expectations of the universe as to how I desired my day to unfold, I discovered I would replay those same issues over and over again. So I began to make a supreme effort to move disappointments, loss, and feelings of non-success farther from my mind each day.

Now, before I get up in the morning, I lie in bed for a few minutes and create my day by using a series of affirmative statements that are designed to do three things: they are positive, present-moment statements about what is, not what will be; they address some element of my life that needs improvement; and they get me to completely identify with the power within to manifest my circumstances. To manifest means to bring into our immediate experience, and make that which is created by the mind into a tangible or observable reality. The power is derived from spirit, or the Divine, which pervades every inch of the universe. To achieve this goal, I say my affirmative statements with love, grateful to be alive and to have my chosen learning opportunities. Then I focus on being open to positive change.

I also visualize life being unfolded to me in creative ways and ask the universe to show me its perfection in ways I would not expect. I make a point of saying this because I think we can better understand the co-creative relationship we have with spirit when we release overly specific intentions and let the power of our own thoughts return to us in ways that give us feedback on our desires. When mentally creating my day in the morning, I’ve had new people walk off the street and become my employees because I saw a need in our organization. Abundance has arrived in the form of revenue streams I did not expect. When I see myself as a co-creator of the universe each day, I’ve attracted great results.

Remember, when you release the past, consciously create your day, and have the mental discipline to think positive, you’ll see results. Through constant awareness (aligning with powerful and positive ideas) you’ll begin to see a difference. A big part of conscious awareness and living in the present moment is about being open to the feedback the environment is providing. Be open to positive change and deeply love life. Be perceptive and positive!
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fill Your Body With Chemicals Of Pleasure, Without Drugs

During the stress response, many chemical reactions occur in the body preparing it to what is known as the fight or flight response. During prehistoric days as cave dwellers, we had the opportunity to burn off our stress when an animal attacked, as it was a means of survival. We were able to run away or fight the threat immediately.

In today's society, we do not have to fight a bear or tiger, so we do not have much of an outlet readily at hand to burn off the stress or pent up negative emotions. Therefore, we carry it with us creating emotional and physical problems. Exercise can help by providing an outlet for negative emotions such as worry, irritability, depression, hostility, anger, frustration, and anxiety. You can dissipate these feelings by simply taking it out on the tennis court, by running, or punching a bag. Regular exercise provides the opportunity to manage the fight or flight response and helps the body to return to a homeostasis or balanced state more quickly.

Exercise can also improve self-esteem and self worth by realizing that you are benefit directly. You may feel more outgoing and social because of the increased energy and also a better physique creating more confidence and positive self image. Your self-esteem may be enhanced by taking on exercise challenges or goals, giving you a feeling of accomplishment and reward.

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Exercise:
Aerobic exercise is an activity that uses major muscle groups such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling. This type of exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system by increasing your heart and respiratory rate and brings in more oxygen into the body. To reap the full benefits of aerobic exercise, you must be at 60%-80% of your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes, between three and five times a week.

To calculate your target heart rate use the following formula:
Take 220 - (subtract) your age X (multiply 60%, or 70%, etc. intensity rate.) = Target heart rate (divide by six for a ten second pulse count. Take your pulse for ten seconds and gage where you are during the workout. Speed up the pace if you are below 60%.

Aerobic exercise is key to lose weight as it burns calories which are the energy consumed and adds fat to our bodies. Combined with a healthy diet it is a sure way to lose weight. One pound of body fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. To lose one pound, you must burn 3500 calories. It is easier to combine aerobics and create a small caloric deficit in your diet than to do one or the other solely.

Anaerobic exercise builds muscle strength and power. Isotonics and Isometrics are two kinds of anaerobic exercises.

Isotonics uses your muscles to contract against an object with movement such as weight lifting (also called strength or resistance training.) The benefits of isotonic exercises are stronger muscles, stronger bones, tone, prevent injuries, and condenses and shapes muscle for better esthetics.

Isometric exercise is contracting your muscles against resistance without movement. Such as lifting an object like a dumbbell and holding a position. You are isolating that muscle.

Use both types of anaerobic exercises to maximize your strength to build healthy, lean, and strong muscles.

Select exercises that you enjoy and can do for at least 20 minutes, three to five days a week. Exercise does not necessarily mean hitting the gym and making an ordeal out of it. It can simply be a walk around your neighborhood or dancing to some tunes. Try to think "activity" verses "exercise". When you are in an active mind-frame, you will purposely park a little farther, do stretches at the computer, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Commit that you will begin to be more active and stick to your exercises or activities for 21 days. Why 21? Research has showed that it takes about 21 days to create a habit. Document how your feel after the 21 days. Your stress levels should be lowered, you should feel more energized, and see some physical changes such as a slimmer physique.

You may already know the benefits of exercise but are you doing it? So start by making a decision, begin slowly, then gradually work up to more and longer workout sessions. Know what you can handle and stick with it. Soon you will be addicted to the pleasure chemicals of a good workout. An addiction that can help you live longer and healthier.
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3 Tips To Take Control Of Your Stress

Tips #1: Releasing Yesterday

Resolve right now to release every thought from yesterday and be only mindful of the now.... this thought only...this breath...this moment. Take in three very deep breaths and slowly release each one.

Use this special time and place to be calm. Free your mind and body of all worry, all regret, all disappointment, all anger and grief.

Now go to your inner quiet place. Go deep inside to a place where you feel that you are at peace and then just relax and breathe in deeply and enjoy the feeling of being at one and at peace within yourself.

At the same time feel each and every concern, each and every problem, and each and every unresolved moment, begin to dissolve. You can deal with them at a later time. For now, you are only to be in this very moment.

Tips #2: Clean Up Your Diet

The very best thing that you can do for yourself is to eat, drink and rest - to your health!

Stress is easily brought on by not eating and drinking properly. When you don't get the number of hours of sleep that you need each night, you are only setting yourself up for additional stress.

Limit the amount of salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol in your diet. Drink plenty of clean, pure water each day and do at least moderate exercise each day. This will breathe new life into your skin, hair and will nourish all of your vital organs.

Tips #3: Take Control

Often times when we have too much stress, we want to just give up. We must always hope for something better! When we give up our fight-or-flight seems to just fizzle and we become caught up in a maze of one unfortunate event following another.

You can take control today! Isolate only one particular stressor in your life and then work on it until you regain control. At the very least, have some new hope!

Being hopeful is a quiet confidence that eventually, all will be well. Write out a plan today about how you will tackle just one major problem in your life. Write it out step-by-step. Make an action plan about how you will tackle each of those points.

Slowly, as you begin to work on your problems, you will start to see that there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. You must believe that, otherwise, you will feel defeated before you even begin.

To actualize the hope you feel, sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Take your mind to a place that pleases you and begin to feel every one of your muscles begin to relax. Command each muscle to relax. Constrict and then relax each of your muscles.

Have a beautiful picture in your mind. Imagine you are a part of that beautiful picture now and imagine that as you work on your problems you will become that beautiful picture. Your life will become that beautiful picture.

Sit and relax, deep breathing, seeing only that beautiful picture. See all of your most pressing problems resolved. See how you will work to resolve each of your problems.
When you sit up from your relaxed state, write out how you will tackle the problems you have just imagined.

Now, go about doing what you have written one step at a time. The ability to relax, meditate, imagine and plan to resolve a problem is a proven stress buster. You can take control of each and every problem in your life that causes you undue stress.
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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Depression from a Spiritual Perspective

This article about the intense subject of depression anticipates two ways of reaction. The question is: Will it be - in your case - shock or relief?

When you read about depression, you will encounter many passages like the following:

"These brain chemicals - in varying amounts - are responsible for our emotional state. Depression happens, when these chemical messages aren't delivered correctly between brain cells, disrupting communication."

What could be probably wrong with that statement?

It is based on the unquestioned belief that human beings are machines. Although this assumption is widespread, it is simply not a fact. Machines are built, operated and cared for by conscious human beings. In an analogous way our body and mind exist because of our existence as conscious beings.

It is not matter, which builds consciousness, but it is consciousness, which forms matter. That is actually our observation everywhere.

The matter of depression must be totally reevaluated from this new perspective. It is not a fact that brain chemicals are responsible for our emotional state, but vice versa. Our emotional state leads to the production of certain chemicals in our brain and body.

Of course there is an interlink between the two planes. Emotional states can definitely be influenced by certain chemical substances. But there is some substantial loss of information, as the "positive" state induced by chemicals cannot be compared with a natural positive state derived from the firm foundation in the conviction that life is wonderful.

Here we have arrived at a crucial point.

Depression is not caused by chemicals in the brain, but rather causes chemicals in the brain. Depression is a state of mind, wherein the affected human being has lost his/her connection to the original quality of life, which is bliss, knowledge and eternity.

Neither will medication help to overcome depression, nor superficial psychological treatment. The only way to help the depression sufferer is by unalloyed love, which is rare in this world. This sort of love will not further push him into the state of a helpless and powerless victim, but will empower him to take his fate into his own hands.

In this way the person suffering with depression will be given the chance to see live from a new perspective. He will learn to love himself despite of any shortcomings, because - by feeling appreciated and loved - he will come to love his real spiritual personality, which is always beyond the polarity of material despair and happiness. When he finds shelter in the ultimate quality of pure consciousness, which is unconditional love, he will feel the natural bliss of life.

Consequently this article ends with a request to doctors and psychologists: Become unconditional lovers! All other cures are temporary, like shifting a hurting heavy weight from one shoulder to the other. If you want to solve the root problem, you have to solve it first and foremost in yourself.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Girls

Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Staff Grade Old Age Psychiatry

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most commonly diagnosed neuro-behavioural disorder. It is now increasingly recognised that ADHD is a life-span condition that can have a devastating impact on the daily lives of individuals and their families. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are paramount for a better prognosis. Without prompt intervention consequences such as anti-social behaviour, aggression, poor self-esteem, alcohol and drug problems and self-harm can occur during the developmental trajectory into adulthood. It is well recognised that most of the focus has been on hyperactive boys and girls with ADHD are under-recognised, under-diagnosed and under-treated (Biederman et al, 2005). There are millions of females worldwide with ADHD who are suffering silently and represent a major public health concern. The prevalence of ADHD in children is between 8-10% and declines in adulthood to 2-3%. In terms of female prevalence out-patient samples estimate it to be between 6:1 and 9:1, with community samples at 3:1 (Gaub and Carlson, 1997).

Recent work to examine gender differences proposes that these differences are not due to actual phenotypic variation but due to bias in those referred. Few studies, as identified in the meta-analysis of Gaub and Carlson, included sufficient numbers of females. It has been hypothesised that such apparent differences may be due to the referral source. Work on clinic-referred samples does not seem representative of the population of ADHD in girls, when compared to non-referred samples. ADHD does present commonly in girls but not as frequently as boys. Its presentation is subtly different to the classic description given to boys. In non-referred samples they tend to show lower levels of hyperactivity, fewer conduct problems and lower levels of externalising behaviour (Gaud and Carlson, 1997).

Most diagnostic criteria were originally formulated from predominantly male cohorts (Rielly et al, 2006). Such research has been overshadowed by the phenotypic expression in boys of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Gender specific variations influence clinical practice in a way that may adversely affect the recognition of ADHD in girls. Boys tend to present with symptoms such as hyperactivity, externalising behaviour, oppositional and defiant behaviour, verbal and physical aggression and substance misuse. Girls however present with inattention, internalising behaviour, leisure time and opposed to classroom impairment, anxiety and depression, lowering of self-esteem and feelings of guilt (Rielly et al, 2006). Most differences between genders tend to be small, but seemingly the most common symptoms in boys are “easily distracted” and “hyperactive” and with girls the most common symptom is “difficulty sustaining concentration”. It may be that referral bias is skewing results as some differences are mediated by referral source (Gaud and Carlson, 1997).

It has further been noted in parenting styles between genders that mothers of ADHD boys tend to be less authoritarian compared to mothers of girls and this may also affect the threshold for referral (Rielly et al, 2006). Another potential skew may arise from teachers. It has been suggested that teachers under-recognise inattention in girls, perhaps due to the greater impact of hyperactive behaviour often shown by boys upon the classroom. Several other potential factors have been hypothesised including comorbidity, developmental problems, diagnostic procedures and the effects of rater source (Gaub and Carlson, 2006).

These differences may lead to differing treatment styles. It can be hypothesised with boys that psychosocial interventions focusing more on aggression and with girls focusing more on anxiety might seem sensible. Parent training with girls might also aim to improve inattention but with boys such training might focus on hyperactivity and disruptive behaviour. Management plans may also need to take into account likely prognoses. Girls seem to have a higher risk of adult psychiatric admission than boys and comorbidity with conduct disorder may increase this risk (Dalsgaard et al, 2002). Further research into the reasons for this may create particular emphases in management during adolescence. Adolescent girls also seem more likely to present with personality disorder, which again will require particular attention in assessment and management (Burkett et al, 2005). Otherwise few differences between genders exist with regards to comorbidities during childhood (Biederman et al, 2005). Girls do not differ from boys in response to methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine (Sharp et al, 1999).

The neglected status of gender-differences in ADHD raises a number of questions, for example can diagnostic criteria inferred from studies of boys be routinely applied to girls with ADHD? Without a better understanding of the aetiology of these differences it is impossible to determine if diagnostic criteria in DSM-IV and ICD-10 are fully valid for girls. Despite a recent focus on gender differences in the clinical presentation of ADHD the disorder remains a hidden morbidity in girls and is associated with significant functional impairment across a life-time. It appears that attributional errors and personal prejudices on the part of parents, teachers and clinicians hinder recognition and treatment. In clinical practice out-patient referred ADHD girls are generally not representative of ADHD girls. It does seem that only the most severely affected girls are being referred for treatment and the majority of ADHD girls suffer silently. ADHD in both genders is associated with high levels of psycho-educational impairment. There is an urgent need for appropriate epidemiological studies examining gender differences in ADHD. There should be increased emphasis on education and training of clinicians, teachers and parents to spot symptoms in girls with ADHD.


Biederman J, Kwon A, Alreadi, M et al. (2005) Absence on gender effects on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: findings in non-referred subjects. American Journal of Psychiatry; 6; 1083-89.

Burket R, Sajid M, Wasiak M et al. (2005) Personality comorbidity in adolescent females with ADHD. Journal of Psychiatric Practice; 11; 131-36.

Dalsgaard S, Mortensen P, Frydenberg M. (2002) Conduct problems, gender and adult psychiatric outcome of children with ADHD. British Journal of Psychiatry; 181; 416-21.

Gaub M, Carlson, C. (1997) Gender differences in ADHD: a meta-analysis and critical review. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 8; 1036-45.

Rielly N, Craig W, Parker K. (2006) Peer and parenting characteristics of boys and girls with subcultural attention problems. Journal of Attention Disorders; 9; 598-606.

Sharp W, Walter J, Marsh W et al. (1999) ADHD in girls: clinical comparability of a research sample. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 38; 40-47.

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Depression Can Affect Anybody

Depression affects millions and millions of people each year. It happens to be a condition where the brain's neurotransmitters go off balanced and then a person's mood will change. Many people think that they can snap out of a depression, but they can't. A truly depressed person would not be able to get themselves out of the phase, until they have sought medical treatment. When you have a chemical imbalance you will find that nothing will help you unless you see a doctor.

There is medication to help a person feel better about themselves. Severe depression makes things a little bit more difficult. Some people may end up becoming catatonic where they do not even blink and then there are some that will become ill from their depression. Depression affects everyone differently and you'll find that not only will you feel sad for no reason, but you'll also feel literally sick.

When a person is so depressed that they cannot live a normal life they are sent to a hospital where they can get the medical attention that they require. For cases where you become physically sick you are not only going to need to be placed on certain medications, but you will also need to attend therapy.

When you mix medication with therapy you'll be able to keep the true reasons for your depression at bay. People who are manicly depressed need to make sure that they are monitored daily so that they do not harm others or themselves. It is important that if you notice that someone is changing and seems depressed that you tell someone so that they can help him or her. Everyone has hard times, but it is those who have friends and family that can make it past the hard times and see themselves through to the good times.

People who suffer from depression are not just sad, but they can become lost. They may end up losing themselves and losing all meaning for life. They may lose all interest in all the things that they once loved and they may have long periods of unhappiness. They can also become very difficult to be around. You will find that depressed people can become violent and very angry.

They will also become different in the way that they carry themselves. They will begin to move and walk slower and they will also become hunched over. They will end up seemingly hopeless and may even express thoughts of suicide, however, not all depressed people are suicidal.You may find that they have simply given up on life.

If you know someone who has a problem with depression you may want to keep a close eye on them and try to connect with them. With a connection you may be able to convince them to get help, but you may also need to take steps for them to get the help that they need.
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When Exercise Can Lead to Better Mental Health

Exercise does wonders for the mental and emotional, as well as the physical. The way cardio and aerobic sets can sculpt the muscles into optimal condition, so goes the effect on the brain and nervous system. Endorphins, euphoria inducing natural chemicals, as well as other exercise-produced chemicals have positive effects on the aging brain in the areas of improved memory and staving off dementia. Other advantages of exercise are as follows:

A person suffering from some sort of mental ailment like anxiety or depression would have the option of taking in fewer medications. Evidence shows that some antidepressants increase the same chemicals in the brain that exercise does. If exercise has been proven to be same in effects as antidepressants, then medication side effects can become a thing of the past, if not at least subside somewhat. Side effects of medication can sometimes feel like they are causing more harm than good. The fatigue, fluctuating weight, energy loss etc. experienced from side effects can be remedied with regular exercise.

Furthermore, the medications used to treat depression and other mental illnesses tend to have an adverse affect on a person's weight, which can then attribute to a worsening of the mental illness in the first place. And to combat extreme weight gain or loss due to medication is tremendously hard to do because the medication would be fighting the efforts. Exercise in conjunction with medication could be a challenge worth doing, teaching a person determination and resolve thus aiding in the healing of their mental illness along with therapy.

Because depression can affect the whole body, mental and physical; appetite, concentration, and exercise can work against these ill effects by acting as a stress reliever and appetite increaser. But also, pain like back aches can be a part of depression, as well as a part of aging. Natural relievers can be released during exercise that can ease specifically back pain.

Also, because drug abuse and overeating are one and the same in that they can change the mental state for the worse, exercise can work against the need to do either. Because it improves overall health, a person could actually become less inclined to do something that goes against the positive effects of exercise- or at least put up a stronger effort not to do so than they might have before. Self esteem, or lack thereof, is sometimes central to why someone uses drugs and/or overeats, but exercise can be a great enhancer of self-confidence.

Additionally, a lack of concentration to goals or everyday tasks that can lead to drug abuse and overeating can be corrected with exercise. Some people abuse Ritalin or crystal methamphetamine just to get through the activity of work, school, etc. Exercise is more mental than it is physical in that it can teach discipline and routine. In accomplishing a set of exercises a person is telling themselves consciously or subconsciously that another goal, no matter what it is, can be attained.

Finally, the ways in which exercise would enhance a person's romantic life is almost self-evident. A better, more appealing physique, more energy, better muscle tone- all of it would be conducive to a higher quality romantic life. Aerobic and cardio exercises would provide for higher energy and endurance levels for tasks as diverse as work and sport hobbies. Exercise can be beneficial in so many areas of a person's life that there are hardly any reasons that anyone could have not to begin an exercise regimen today.
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Insomnia: Dangers & Treatment of Sleep Deprivation

Do you suffer from sleep deprivation? You know by now how you feel without a good night sleep: tiredness, irritability and a loss of concentration are high on the side effects list for insomnia. Therefore, it is very important that you find your cause of insomnia and an insomnia cure as soon as possible.

Sleep deprivation and sleep apnea affects our nervous systems by leaving us drowsy and unable to concentrate. Even losing sleep a few nights a week can significantly impair your ability to function and decrease the quality of your life. Not getting enough sleep also leads to poor memory. If sleep deprivation continues, hallucinations and mood swings will develop. In the same vein, sleeping problems are common in both mental and physical disorders including schizophrenia and depression, stroke, cancer, and head injuries.

Insomnia treatment and cure: For getting a proper sleep at night, do the following:

Sleep only when sleepy. This reduces the time you are awake in bed.

If you can not fall asleep within 25 minutes, just get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy. Sit quietly in the dark listen to some nice relaxing music. Do not expose yourself to bright light while you are up.

Do not take naps. This will make you tired at bedtime. If you just cannot make it through the day without a power nap, sleep less than one hour, before 4 pm.

Go to bed and get up the same time every day. When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will feel much better.

Refrain from exercise at least four hours before bedtime. Regular exercise is recommended to help you sleep well, but the timing of the workout is important. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon will not interfere with your sleep.

Develop sleep rituals. Listen to relaxing cds, read something soothing for twenty minutes, have a cup of warm milk, and do relaxation exercises.

Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol at least four hours before bed. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Alcohol may seem to help you sleep in the beginning as it slows brain activity, but you will end up having a restless night.

Have a light snack before you go to bed. If your tummy is too empty, that can interfere with sleep. However, if you eat a big meal before bedtime, that can interfere as well.

Take a hot bath ninety minutes before bedtime. This will relax your body and will help you fall asleep.

Make sure your bedroom and bed are quiet and comfortable.

Getting a good night's sleep is as important as having a proper healthy diet and exercising to keep a healthy body. A good night sleep makes your skin look fresh and it also helps make your brain more alert. Though in a busy lifestyle we always try to sacrifice sleep for work but it is very important that you set aside enough hours for some good old-fashioned beauty sleep. The average person needs eight hours of sleep, while infants need sixteen hours of sleep, and teenagers need about nine hours.

Scientists believe that sleep maintains and repairs our bodies and minds. Every night we cycle through three stages of sleep ranging from light sleep to deep sleep, and finally, to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. A complete sleep cycle takes ninety to one hundred minutes on average. While we sleep our brains are using important neuronal connections that might otherwise get worse from lack of activity. During deep sleep, brain activity that control emotions, decision-making processes, and social interaction stops, allowing us to maintain optimal emotional and social functioning when we are awake. Cell repair and cell growth takes place to combat the affects of stress and UV rays in this stage as well. Hence, deep sleep is really beauty sleep.

Sleep also strengthens our immune system and helps our bodies fight infection. This is because our immune system releases a sleep inducing chemical while fighting a flu or an infection. Sleep helps the body conserve energy and other resources that the immune system requires to mount an effective attack. Start your insomnia treatment as soon as possible to prevent sleep deprivation.
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